Post Sale: Land Management


Most buyers that purchase ranches live in or near major urban areas and many buyers may need advice on how to best manage their new investment to maximize the land’s intended use. Here is where The Ranch Locator Company (RLC) can be a big help. If you allow RLC to represent you during the ranch search and property investment process, we work for you free of charge for one year post purchase as a consultant.

This service is meaningless if it comes from a company with no experience to back it up. You have no worries with that happening with RLC.


If you are considering a property for livestock, it helps that the broker for RLC has a lifetime of experience in raising beef cattle and understands all aspects of the process. He was raised on a ranch and knows grasses, both native and introduced. He understands fences, horses, weed control, brush control soils, cattle breeds, cattle breeding, cattle diseases and husbandry.

Recreational Hunting

If you are considering a property for recreational use or hunting, here is where you get lucky. The broker for RLC has a formal degree from Texas A&M University in College Station in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. He has successfully hunted deer for over 50 years to add practical knowledge to technical learning. He has not only learned by textbook and studied in the lab, but has implemented many practices in person to see the field results. He knows what works and what doesn’t work. He knows soils, grasses, weeds, shrubs and trees. He has worked in many different regions in the State. There is no doubt implementing advice given by RLC if will add to the value of your land.


The broker for RLC is respected by his peers in the wildlife management industry. He has been guest speaker regarding wildlife at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and twice at the Texas Deer Study Group. He was guest speaker to the Texas Organization of Wildlife Management Associations and to the Harvey’s Creek Wildlife Management Association. His opinion was respected to the degree that he was asked and he proudly served for 12 years on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Private Lands Advisory Committee.

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